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Thank you to the Colangelo College of Business for integrally helping in the forming and launching of this endeavor. Thank you to all the partners who believed in our passion. Thanks to the students who give up countless hours to make this happen. Thank you to a community that supports those who love to learn.


A passion was born within two students, Austin Mosher and Jedidiah Woods, which grew into action. They wanted Grand Canyon University to participate in the rapid innovative growth that this world and city are experiencing. They wanted to usher in new ideas, new thought, and creative support to the students at Grand Canyon University and the residents of the forgotten West Valley. Through late nights and some heavy lifting, they curated and cultivated a team of like-minded students, who were set on working together to make something great. So they worked together, meeting for hours each week, seeking out contacts, securing deals, establishing relationships, preparing locations, all set on the goal of making something great. Then on March 2nd 2017, the inaugural TEDx Grand Canyon Universtiy event took place, and indeed, it was great. Find your greatness.


